Programs & Services
The Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation offer 21 different programs and continue to grow and expand these services to align their objectives with the needs of the Circular Head community.
All programs & Services have a cultural thread at the heart of our delivery.

Culture is at the heart of all program delivery.
The Culture and Capability Program aims to support the Indigenous community of the Circular Head region to rediscover, learn and maintain their culture with a focus on intergenerational transmission of knowledge. The central theme is similar to that of CHAC's mission to inspire and empower Aboriginal people by embracing culture.
The Health Team continue to work hard to connect with all ages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the Circular Head Community.
Our Health Centre hosts a number of practitioners across the funded allied health services. Additionally, the health programs focus on Outreach in assisting clients with health and appointment needs.
There are number of programs that focus on Mental Health and Wellbeing, including: Youth Mental Health and Family Violence, Social & Emotional Wellbeing, Cancer Australia Healing Journey, Integrated Team Care and Lifestyle & Mind Balance. Each program takes a holistic approach to wellbeing in culturally inclusive and safe environments.
There are many programs that support children & families from birth through to adulthood. The New Directions Program focuses on maternal health and family needs. The Children & Schooling Programs work both with the Early Childhood and Youth ages to ensure children are supported before and throughout their schooling. The Integrated Family Support Services works to ensure families are safe and supported in family life. The Youth Online Drug Education Library is also a CHAC created online portal for youth to access for drug and alcohol information and resources.
The Aged Care & Disability Services work closely with the elderly and those with a disability in the Circular Head Community, to ensure they are supported, cared for and are healthy. The services engage both in community settings and into the homes of clients, with a large team of support workers and carers. Our Aged Care & Disability Services operate across four programs: Home and Community Care (HACC) ;Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) ;Home Care Packages (HCP) and ;National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Support Services
There are a number of programs that support clients through the justice system and work toward a safer community. The Alcohol and Other Drugs Program is designed to delivery education, referral pathways and advocacy among the community. The Prisoner Rehabilitation & Post Release Support Program works closely with clients exiting the prison system with person centered pathways. The Youth Prevention and Diversion Program provides case management, mentoring and referrals to youth who are at risk of offending. The Learner Driver Mentor Program engages with clients to obtain their provisional license and ultimately work toward safer roads.