To enquire about a membership to Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation please email membership@chac.com.au

Click to download Eligibility Form Guidelines for applicants.
To be eligible to access Tasmanian Government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs and services, you must be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.

Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation Membership Application Checklist
Our external membership panel reviews each application before accepting memberships.
Click to download our membership application checklist to ensure you meet the requirements of eligibility.

Aboriginal Ancestory
Currently CHAC do not have a service that assists in tracing family trees or heritage, however, we do understand the need for this and are currently working toward a plan to have someone to assist with such requests. If you do know of anyone in your family that has already been through the identity process however, that might be enough for our external membership panel to go off when assessing your Aboriginality and links to our community.
Introducing CHAC Loowunna
CHAC Loowunna (children) is our new "Kid's Club". This is an option for our youth to be involved until they can become Corporation members when they turn 18. The process will be the same as the Membership Application Process, but they will not be required to pay annual membership fees and will not have voting rights. Upon membership they will receive a certificate to serve as Proof of Eligibility for schools etc.